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Approvals & References

Aviation References

IATA Strategic Partner logo
  • FUELSTAT® is listed as a recommended product by IATA
  • Conidia Bioscience is a Strategic Partner with IATA

IATA has published its Guidance Material on Microbial Contamination in Aircraft Fuel Tanks. The document recommends the use of the FUELSTAT® resinae kit for the detection of microbial contamination in aviation fuel.

In the Introduction, the guide states that operators should: “Test the fuel/water found in each aircraft tank with an approved microbial growth test kit on a regular basis.”

In the section on Detection, the guide then specifies that: “IATA recommends that airlines test for microbial contamination annually. Operators should adjust the interval based on their location and experience.”

This advice is amplified later on in that section by adding: “For each fuel tank on each aircraft, testing for microbial contamination at least once a year is strongly recommended. Sampling frequency should be dependent on the perceived operations risk. For example, short haul operations in tropics are high risk and could warrant routine monthly sampling.”

For clarity, a map of the world is included, annotated with high risk areas.

Copies of this guide can be ordered through IATA by clicking on the link and typing in “microbiological” in the search box at the top of the page. Follow the on-screen prompts to purchase.

IATA Guidance Material

Military References

There are a variety of reference materials detailing fuel handling best practices to ensure fuel integrity in support of military operations:

  • NATO STANAG 3149 – Minimum quality surveillance for fuels
  • National Military Technical Orders for fuel cleanliness

The FUELSTAT® diesel and jet fuel test kits carry the following NATO Stock Numbers (NSN) for easier ordering:

Part Number
Part Name
Nato Name
NATO Stock Number
Aviation FHR8-2 Fuelstat® resinae Plus FUEL TEST 4940-99-615-6295
Marine, Land Diesel & Fuel Storage FMD8 Fuelstat® Diesel Plus FUEL TEST 4940-99-907-9225
Roundel - Military Transport

Fuel Handling References

IASH logo
  • Conidia Bioscience is a board member and active supporter of IASH

The International Association for Stability, Handling and Use of Liquid Fuels (IASH) was formed in 1983 to become the leading association for fuel stability and handling, which has been realized over the last three decades. Since that time, IASH has held 15 conferences, attracted 2,604 people from 35 countries, published more than 800 technical papers and 181 technical posters, and is recognized throughout the world as the premier forum for liquid fuel technical discussions. The IASH family currently consists of over 240 members from 30 countries and our vision remains steadfast.

IASH promotes research, development and discussion into the issues of liquid fuel stability, handling and use from detailed chemical pathways, through microbiological degradation and remediation, testing and issues arising from distribution and use. Over the IASH lifetime, we have moved from a world of solely conventional fuels derived from crude oil to today’s reality of conventional fuels, synthetic fuels – including renewable fuels – as well as associated performance enhancing and stability additives. IASH continues to challenge the boundaries of science and understanding in all aspects of liquid fuels.

To find out more:

Energy Institute logo
  • Conidia Bioscience currently chairs the Energy Institute Microbiology Committee

The Energy Institute is the not-for-profit chartered professional membership body bringing together expertise to tackle urgent global challenges. Responding to the climate emergency while meeting the energy needs of the world’s growing population calls for energy to be better understood, managed and valued.

To find out more: