Rapid, easy to use, on-board testing
FUELSTAT®: A rapid, easy to use, on-board test for detecting Microbial Contamination in MGO with free smartphone based data recording
The risks of microbial contamination in Marine Fuels have never been higher with further reductions in sulphur levels across all Marine Fuels as result of IMO 2020 and the increased use of biodiesel in all diesel fuels adding to the need to protect this valuable commodity.
Whilst the direct effects of sulphur reduction are, yet unknown, several published studies indicate that introduction of FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Esters) to create biodiesel will increase microbial contamination overall due to the hydroscopic (water-retaining) nature of FAME. Better for the environment and sustainability undoubtedly but the knock- on effect is potentially more microbial contamination risks that must be managed before they turn into serious operational and commercial issues for the marine industry.
FUELSTAT® provides vessel owners, fleet managers and fuel bunkering organisations with a cost-effective, simple, on-board tool to continually monitor microbial contamination of Marine Gas Oil (MGO) both in port and at sea.